The Moderator(s) are the Chief Governance Officer(s) of the UUA, chair(s) of the Board of Trustees, and Presiding Officer(s) at General Assemblies.

The joys of serving as Moderator(s) include:

  • the opportunity to serve our faith in dismantling the white supremacy culture, and implementing the recommendations in the report from the Commission on Institutional Change, Widening the Circle of Concern.
  • the privilege of consulting on how we govern ourselves is in keeping with our highest values.
  • the opportunity to meld our current bylaws and governance models with the need to articulate our theology.
  • welcoming new UU congregations and communities.
  • collaboratively re-envisioning General Assembly to make it more inclusive, accessible, and theologically grounded.
  • the opportunity to work with amazing volunteers and staff.
  • recognizing milestones and bestowing awards.

The following attributes are critical for a successful Moderator:

  • Leadership skills, including proficiency with agenda planning, presentations, discussion leading and meeting facilitation, communication (including public speaking), articulation of decision-making processes, inclusion of marginalized voices, etc. Strong skill set with countering systems of oppression and cultural marginalization; leading with intercultural fluency and humility. Lived or work experience with communities of color, indigenous peoples, transgender and non-binary people, and other communities affected by systems of oppression is of particular value.
  • Experience with similar leadership positions, such as being the chair of the Board of Trustees for a non-profit or large and dynamic congregation, including policy-based governance, modified policy governance, or related systems.
  • An understanding of the role of boards in congregational or non-profit organizations. in budgeting and fundraising.
  • Strong organizational skills and the ability to delegate.
  • Knowledge of, love for, and commitment to Unitarian Universalism and our ideals, history, polity, organizations, interest groups, Board of Trustees responsibilities and processes, and especially our Bylaws.
  • An understanding of multiple forms of decision making, including consensus and Robert’s Rules of Order, with an awareness of when each is appropriate as well as when to seek counsel from the Parliamentarian. A commitment to examining Robert’s Rules of Order in counter-oppressive ways.
  • Experience with being in the public eye.

The ideal candidate will possess:

  • a firm commitment to anti-racism; actively supporting the work of dismantling white supremacy in all its forms and an understanding of systems of oppression.
  • a commitment to collaboration and shared leadership.
  • a strong spiritual life.
  • honesty, integrity, and fairness; excellent listening skills.
  • the ability to accept perspectives other than their own and be present to those ideas.
  • resilience, humility, the ability to acknowledge mistakes.

People with disabilities, People of Color, Indigenous people, Hispanic/Latinx, and LGBTQAI+ Unitarian Universalists are encouraged to apply. Our UUA is committed to developing a diverse and talented volunteer leadership team.

Demands of the Role:

The role can demand 15-20 hours during an average week. Approaching and during GA, the weekly average will be higher (25-30 per week). The time can be distributed between Co-Moderators, if it is a shared position.

Meetings the Moderator(s) will be expected to attend:

  • Regular meetings with the Administration (President, Executive Vice President, and Governance Manager)
  • General Assembly Planning meetings
  • Liaisons with board committees may be shared with other Trustees; these vary in terms of in-person and length.
  • Flexibility to add unplanned meetings as events arise.


The Moderator is a volunteer position. However, compensation for lost income is available.

Applying as a Team

The workload of the Moderator as well as our commitments to anti-oppressive leadership suggests, and our bylaws allow, that a team of people may serve in the role. You can apply to be nominated as a team of Co-Moderators, or as an individual. If you apply as a team, please include in your application your established covenant among all team members, as well as a history of when you have worked together.


Potential applicants should be thoughtful and discrete about reaching out to others for purposes of discernment, and to find other team members. Under no circumstances should you begin to campaign or make a large public notice. But asking for advice and potential teammates in and on limited-view forums may be wise. You might indicate to a smaller group that you're considering it, and ask for folks to contact you if they are as well. You might ask for folks to offer their thoughts about the role and your fitness for it—but not to ask for endorsements or explicit support. If you're unsure about the appropriateness of outreach, please speak to a member of the Committee (ModeratorSearchCommittee @

Whether or not you apply, that information is yours to do with as you wish. The Committee will not share, other than with the Board in executive session, the names of any applicants not nominated.