Volunteer for one of the UUA's committees, commissions, or boards!

Complete an interest form to be considered for nomination or appointment to one of the volunteer bodies below, or check back for posts on specific positions that are being filled.

Committees, Boards, and Commissions

  • Appointments Committee
    The Appointments Committee recruits and recommends candidates for board-appointed committees as well as board appointments to elected committees. As with all board-appointed committees, terms are for two-year periods, which can be renewed up to three times for a maximum of 8 years of service. The time commitment is significant, with an anticipated six meetings a year, at least two in person, and significant work between meetings.
  • Audit and Risk Committee
    The Audit and Risk Committee oversees the annual audit of financial statements by a public accounting firm and monitors the review, establishment and implementation of accounting policies and internal controls.
  • Board of Review
    The Board of Review hears appeals from ministers or credentialed religious educators who have had their final fellowship or credentialing status terminated by the Ministerial Fellowship Committee or the Religious Education Credentialing Committee.
  • Board of Trustees
    Board of Trustees conducts the affairs of the Association and carries out policies and directives, acting for the Association between General Assemblies. The Board approves new congregations and covenanting communities; defines rules for Association membership, General Assembly procedures, ministerial and religious educator credentialing, and delegate accreditation; sets the business agenda for General Assemblies and schedules the time and location; proposes amendments to bylaws and rules; appoints members of board committees and officers of the Association; nominates candidates for Moderator; adopts the annual budget; oversees investments; appoints study commissions as required by the bylaws; and creates policies to promote openness and transparency and to establish the boundaries and goals governing the work of the staff and committees.
  • Commission on Appraisal
    Grounded in the living tradition of our free and responsible faith, yet charged with acting independently, the Commission on Appraisal’s mission is to provoke deep reflection and to evoke timely, creative transformation of Unitarian Universalism, our congregations, and the Unitarian Universalist Association.
  • Commission on Social Witness
    The mission of the Commission on Social Witness is to engage individuals, congregations, and districts in an ongoing process of study, action and reflection on pressing social issues to deepen our faith, to foster a greater sense of association among Unitarian Universalists, and to proclaim our vision of justice in the world.
  • Election Campaign Practices Committee
    The Election Campaign Practices Committee supervises UUA elections to ensure their fairness and compliance with the UUA Bylaws and Rules. Committee members must remain neutral in elections.
  • General Assembly Planning Committee
    The General Assembly Planning Committee helps select the site for each GA, set the daily schedule, and determine which organizations affiliated with the UUA may present program material. In addition, the Committee oversees the opening events, music, ambiance, and evening activities.
  • Investment Committee
    The Investment Committee, composed of investment professionals, oversees the investment of all UUA endowment funds.
  • Ministerial Fellowship Committee
    The Ministerial Fellowship Committee has jurisdiction over all phases of ministerial credentialing. Candidates for ministerial fellowship are interviewed by the Committee before fellowship is granted. Additionally, the MFC has the authority to remove ministerial fellowship. The time commitment for serving on this committee is significant.
  • Moderator Search Committee
    The Moderator Search Committee is charged with finding candidates to be nominated for election as UUA Moderator. (This committee is not accepting applications at this time.)

  • Nominating Committee
    The Nominating Committee nominates candidates for all positions elected by the General Assembly except for President and Moderator.
  • Open UUA Committee
    The Open UUA Committee works in collaboration with committee leadership, to create a clear, detailed process for each group to establish effective openness practices and policies. It provides a mechanism for congregations and individuals to submit comments about adherence to this policy.
  • Presidential Search Committee
    The Presidential Search Committee selects at least two nominees for the position of President of the Unitarian Universalist Association. (This committee is not accepting applications at this time.)
  • Religious Education Credentialing Committee
    The Religious Education Credentialing Committee helps set and review standards, rules, policies, and evaluative practices for participants in the Religious Education Credentialing Program, evaluates participants and their application and portfolio materials, and ensures that all participants adhere to relevant rules and policies.
  • Retirement Plan Committee
    The Retirement Plan Committee oversees the UU Organizations Retirement Plan (UUORP). The UUORP is a self-directed, defined contribution 401(a) retirement plan with a 401(k) component covering religious professionals and other employees of UU congregations, districts, related organizations as well as the UUA staff.
  • UUA Employee Health Plan Trust
    The Health Plan Trust was established for the purpose of operating a self-funded health insurance plan for the staffs of Unitarian Universalist congregations, the UUA headquarters and field staffs, plus other eligible persons.