Purpose: The Music Leadership Certification Committee (MLCC) has jurisdiction over music leadership certification. It makes rules governing music leadership certification as well as policies and procedures related to music leadership certification. The MLCC grants the music leadership certification and governs the rules and policies which apply. The MLCC also has the authority to suspend or terminate a music leadership certification. The MLCC is a seven member committee appointed by the UUA President.

Key responsibilities:

  • Setting and upholding policy for the certification program
  • Approving curricula
  • Selecting candidates
  • Reviewing and evaluating candidate portfolios
  • Conducting an "end of program" evaluation
  • Making final recommendation for certification of candidates

Requirements: Each musician on the committee should be a member in good standing of Association for Unitarian Universalist Music Ministries (AUUMM) and work as a music leader at a congregation.

Length of Term: 2 years, with up to 3 renewals, for a total of 8 years.

Meetings: 11 per year

Length of meetings: 90 minutes/meeting and 1 yearly in-person meeting over 2.5 days

Additional important info: This is a committee filled with dedicated people who want to support learning opportunities for UU musicians throughout the country.