Purpose: To guide the long-term work of the UUA in living out its commitments to justice, liberation, anti-oppression, and full inclusion through sustained, ongoing, high-level engagement and feedback with the UUA’s elected and appointed leaders.
Overview: In 2020, the UUA’s Commission on Institutional Change (COIC) issued its report and recommendations entitled “Widening the Circle of Concern.” These recommendations emphasized the need for ongoing systems to ensure the UUA continues its work to address institutional racism and oppression against UUs with historically marginalized identities. The Board and the Administration are committed to following through with the COIC’s recommendations and ensuring that this work is sustained through leadership transitions over time.
BACKGROUND: The Accountability Launch Team (ALT) 2022–2024
In 2022, the Accountability Launch Team was appointed to guide and support the first round of this systemic work, shaping its own function and focus, in partnership with the Board and Administration. The ALT’s purpose was to be involved in real time with the key decisions the UUA made about how to advance equity and liberation through its governance, resources, and priorities, recognizing this is an effort that will require years of work.
Priority Areas of the ALT
- The Board instructed the Accountability Team to focus on the following initial priorities for its impact:
- Defining and Practicing Accountability: Developing an understanding of accountability focuses on restoration of relationships and ensuring harm does not continue, rather than the flavor of fault-finding and punishment, is crucial for dismantling white supremacy and patriarchal culture. The ALT may help define accountability within the UUA, and to develop and disseminate practices so it may be integrated at every level (Note: It is not the ALT’s function to solely hold accountability for the UUA, but rather to support and facilitate this overall for the Association).
- Reviewing Resource Allocation: Money represents a different form of power, both in how it is earned (investments and fundraising) and how funds are allocated. The ALT may engage with the Board and its committees on key issues, such as reparations and ensuring funding of programs that help our UUA live its mission and values.
- Advising on Board & UUA Governance: The UUA Board embraces a policy-based governance model and derives its authority from the UUA General Assembly and UUA Bylaws. The ALT may help the Board refine a governance model that reflects our anti-racist, anti-oppression and multicultural values, and advise on potential changes to the UUA Bylaws in parallel.
The ALT raised the following potential topic areas for further conversation to narrow this list with the Board:
- General Assembly, and especially the experience of members of marginalized communities at GA
- Congregational relationships, and the opportunities to build connection between and among congregations following the regionalization process;
- Governance practices, including the UUA Governance Manual and the Bylaws Renewal Team
- Widening the Pathway to Ministry, ongoing discussions with UU stakeholders on how make professional development pathways for all forms of ministry more equitable, accessible and sustainable
NOW: The Accountability Team (AT) 2025 –
The Accountability Team will work with the UUA Board and UUA Administration (President and executive staff) to collaboratively develop a covenant to guide their work together. The Team, the Board and the Administration will periodically assess how well we are working consistently with that covenant.
The AT will work to advance the principles of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion within Unitarian Universalism. Building on the foundation laid by the Accountability Launch Team, this team will be dedicated to ensuring transparency, monitoring progress, and fostering a culture of responsibility in alignment with UU values. Members of this team will collaborate with UUA leadership, congregations, and stakeholders to monitor measurable and sustainable change.
This position will be appointed by the UUA Board of Trustees. The initial term will be 2 years with the possibility for renewal.
Time Commitment
- 10-15 hours per month, inclusive of meeting time as well as follow-up communications, preparation and review
- Attendance at a potential retreat
All meetings will be online or multiplatform, so that travel will not be required of appointees.
Beyond the minimum expectation, the amount of time required for members of the Accountability Team will be based on the Team’s determination of when and how their participation is needed. For example, the Team may have one member assigned to each Board Working Group (Governance, Bylaws, Values & Resources).
- Experience as a member, volunteer, or participant in Unitarian Universalist religious communities; qualified candidates who support UU values and principles and who may have other religious experiences may also apply
- Demonstrated personal and/or professional commitment to counter white supremacy, patriarchy, colonialism, and other systems of oppression.
- Experience in leading or supporting changes and processes within organizations to advance justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion
- Lived or work experience in Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities, trans/gender nonbinary communities, and disabled communities, are of particular value
- Ability to think creatively and analytically
- Strong written and verbal communication skills
- Highest levels of ethics and integrity
Supporting the Success of the Accountability Team
The Board and Administration will make the following initial agreements to support the success of the Team, which is a priority for the UUA:
- Covenant – The Accountability Team and the Board will collaboratively develop a covenant to guide their work together. The Team and the Board will periodically assess how well we are working consistently with that covenant.
- Access – Members of the Accountability Team will have access to Board communications and meeting groups, and will receive direct interaction with the Co-Moderators, President, and other senior staff and leaders.
- Honoring roles and recommendations – The Board and the Administration pledge to receive feedback and recommendations from the Accountability Team in the spirit of collegiality and commitment to anti-racism, anti-oppression, and multiculturalism.
- Budget and staff support – The Accountability Team will continue to have the support of staff liaisons, and the UUA will provide administrative staff support. The Accountability Team will receive a budget to cover stipends, meetings, travel and expenses, supplies, etc. Additionally, the budget will provide for outside consultant support (as selected by the Accountability Team members) to provide professional capacity and expertise to the Team.
- Reimbursement, stipends and support – The UUA is committed to removing barriers to ensure that individuals with historically marginalized identities can be members of the ALT. Some people can serve as volunteers, some need compensation for lost income, and some may need other forms of support or care. The Board will work with each member to ensure they have the financial and logistical support (including supplies and technology) they need to fully participate. Members will be offered an annual stipend, and travel expenses (e.g., to General Assembly) will be reimbursed.
We learn as we go, and the support or approach may be adjusted to reflect what is learned.
Aspiration of the UUA
We seek to create a Unitarian Universalist Association which embodies our faith’s aspiration to the beloved community, and in which people of all backgrounds and identities can thrive.
We work to support our congregations and leaders to be sources of justice, equity, compassion and liberation in their communities and the wider world.
Equipping Congregations and Communities
The UUA equips congregations and communities for vital ministry to create an ever-widening sense of belonging where no one is outside the circle of love. This means congregations that are:
- Grounded in their theological commitments to anti-racism and in covenantal relationships for accountability;
- Embodied, practicing anti-racist ministry and leadership, in worship and faith development as well as in the workplace, committees and administration; and
- Inclusive, welcoming, and meaningful for people of all races, genders, and abilities, and through all stages of life, from childhood through older adulthood. This also means supporting communities across our congregations, such as regional and national youth communities, or identity-based groups.
Training and Supporting Leaders
The UUA supports and trains leaders, both lay and professional, for ministry that is:
- Relational - affirming the wholeness of the people they serve, across cultures and experiences, including engaging in productive conflict;
- Adaptive - leading in inclusive and innovative ways, able to navigate challenges our communities face; and
- Equitable and sustainable - especially for leaders from the margins, with a pathway for the next generation.
Advancing UU Values
The UUA advances UU values in the world in service of justice and liberation, where UUs are:
- Rooted in the spiritual and political grounding for our justice work, growing the skills needed for organizing and partnership;
- Taking Action – mobilizing in solidarity with and leadership by those impacted by injustice and
- Prophetic – amplifying the prophetic message and voices of our faith.